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Fields > Automotive Industry > Automotive OEMs
Automotive OEMs

Against the background of an increasing scarcity of resources coupled with ever rising demands for comfort and safety, the automotive industry is faced with a great many challenges. Focal points in the industry include developing new drive concepts, further reducing the weight of vehicles, as well as lowering the fuel consumption of internal combustion engines. Alongside the economic factors, purchasing decisions are also influenced by vibroacoustic behavior and with it the unmistakable character of a vehicle.

NVH developments consequently bear much responsibility for successful sales as well.

PAK – the flexible Platform

As a high performance and extendable platform, PAK supports engineers

  • in the development of components
  • with their integration in the complete vehicle
  • in proving that legal maximum ratings are being observed and
  • in determining the relevant transfer paths and their impact on, for example, interior noise.

Highly automated processes for testbenches and quality checks are also supported, as are the reliable acquisition of data using mobile measurements and flexible troubleshooting. The measurement data can be stored in a database together with detailed descriptions for sustainable organization.

· 경기 안양시 벌말로 66, 평촌역 하이필드지식산업센터 A동 715호
· 전화번호: 02.529.0375~6 · 팩스번호: 02.529.0378 · E-mail: