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Products > Data Acquisition > pak and Smart Devices
pak and Smart Devices
PAK capture suite - record the vibration at your fingertips!

As the fundamental purpose was to design a system where anyone can instantly measure, PAK capture suite masters effortlessness - becoming a powerful tool for dynamic data acquisition in acoustics and vibration

PAK recorder

PAK capture

PAK tunes

PAK recorder:

Your service on the PAK MKII to store ASAM ODS data.

PAK capture:

Make your recorder come alive by use of an app.

PAK tunes:

Your service partner for the PAK recorder and the PC.

Be inspired by the tight interaction between the suite components – PAK recorder, PAK capture and PAK tunes. Let PAK capture suite reach beyond your fingertips into your workflow. Benefit from an extremely stable and easy-to-use dynamic data recorder, an intuitive communication user interface on a smart device as well as an intelligent data management infrastructure.

· 경기 안양시 벌말로 66, 평촌역 하이필드지식산업센터 A동 715호
· 전화번호: 02.529.0375~6 · 팩스번호: 02.529.0378 · E-mail: